Tag Archives: additive manufacturing

3D Printing Podcast Radio Show – SME

SME Logo

Enjoy the 3D Printing Podcast Featuring SME executives, Kevin Ayers, Industry Manager over Additive Manufacturing and 3D Technology and Jeannine Kunz, Managing Director, SME is a professional organization for individuals, students, educators and companies involved in manufacturing.

Is 3D Printing an educational opportunity? Is there a workforce problem created with 3D Printing?

SME is on top of this industry. It’s almost as though they read the 3D Printing Book

3D Printing Podcast Featuring SME Executives on 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing

SME Logo

Enjoy the 3D Printing Podcast Featuring SME executives, Kevin Ayers, Industry Manager over Additive Manufacturing and 3D Technology and Jeannine Kunz, Managing Director, SME is a professional organization for individuals, students, educators and companies involved in all facets of manufacturing. Founded in 1932, SME is dedicated to advancing and educating the manufacturing industry. Tooling U-SME, a division of SME, delivers versatile, competency-based learning and development solutions to the manufacturing community, working with more than half of all Fortune(r) 500 manufacturing companies, as well as educational institutions across the country.

SME is joining the 3D Printing Revolution!

3D Printing Book – Rust Explains US Manufacturing

How to 3D Print Money

From the Book:



The Japanese rust-makers couldn’t understand why there was even a delegation. “We make better rust than you, your consumers want our rust. Our consumers don’t want your rust. Why are you bothering us? You don’t even bother to make the rust we like! You even label your rust in English? You don’t speak a word of our language and have done no research on our market!”

While we were losing American rust jobs, the Japanese were retooling their factories so that they can make more rust without labor. The Japanese factories started using rust robots to make this rust. While the Americans were blaming low-priced Japanese rust labor, the Japanese felt this argument was incorrect. Japanese rust-makers actually earned more than their American counterparts. And the Japanese released a figure saying 55% of the industries in Japan paid their workers more than American factories paid. Cheap labor may have opened the door, but low-cost labor as a market advantage has a shelf life.

But once again, the American rust people didn’t see the trend. They didn’t realize that the Japanese would themselves begin to outsource to lower-cost producing countries…..”

3D Printing Podcast – Interview With 3D Printing Book Author

3D Printing Graphic

In this fun podcast, 3D Printing author Josh is reviewed about his ebook on 3D Printing and how neo-manufacturing is changing the manufacturing landscape. Find the book at: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/343122

Will 3D Printing Produce Quality Pieces- Or is it All Plastic Junk

https://3dprintingpodcast.com  Here we discuss the quality of 3D Printed goods. A one minute podcast to help you sort out the world of 3d Printing technology


3D Printing Podcast-Americans Don’t Want to Manufacture

http://3dchamber.com In this quick podcast, Josh talks about how Americans don’t manufacture and don’t want to manufacture! Is he right?

Is 3d Printing Too Technical- Americans Want Simple

Again, our co host feels that 3d Printing technology is way too complicated for American users.